Every week I want to share at least 3 things I’m vibing with. These could be articles, products, restaurants, apps or whatever. Since we are in quarantine, it will be things you can enjoy at home. Feel free to share your favorites in the comments or let me know if you like the same things! Would love your feedback 😎
1. Marco Polo
I have a lot of video apps on my phone. Instagram, Snapchat, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, TikTok (which I hate) to name a few. My favorite though for keeping in touch has to be Marco Polo. I was skeptical at first, my wife was the one to introduce me… but if you have some friends who are game, it’s brilliant.
Basically, you can leave long video messages than can be played back on-demand. I use it to keep in touch with friends who live out of state, or in this climate—people I can’t see on the regular anymore.
Imagine pen-pals, but digitally and with video. I use it in the car, and honestly, it’s kinda been like therapy. I can talk through what’s on my mind and process ideas/thoughts while leaving a message. It takes a little while to get used to (there is no initial feedback like a conversation) but if you view it as a sounding board, it’s a game-changer.
Plus, if you install, I’ll add you as a friend and we can talk shop!

3. ART
My good friend Steven Dray (probably the 2nd best photographer in Pittsburgh) is also a painter. He does beautiful work and just launched a print shop! Link here:
Brighten up your quarantine with art :)
3. Nina Leen
I’m a sucker for images from LIFE magazine, especially in the 50s. The work just seemed a bit more glamourous and well-composed then. Obviously not all of it, but a few photographers have really inspired me and I would be remiss if I didn’t share!
One of my favorite photographers of the 50s is Nina Leen. Especially her fashion work. I went down a rabbit hole last week and found a few gems I thought I would share.

Feel free to read more about her and her work here & here.
Love you guys, thanks for tuning in! I would love to know what you think of the picks this week?
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