Emily and Jon are great! You may even remember them from their Strip District Engagement Pictures a few months back.
We started the day at their house and the Airport Marriott. The ceremony was at Ken Mawr United Church and Reception followed back at the Pittsburgh Airport Marriott. It was raining all day… which was a bummer, but we managed to find some cool spots around the Bayer complex (much to their distaste however, we were kicked out :/). Rain never stops us though and we setup a softbox and made the most of the Marriott’s interior. The reception was a blast and they even had cupcakes from Bethel Bakery and Pittsburgh Popcorn for the guests. They also love Disney and honeymooned there, the hats only make sense!
Thank you both for sharing your day with us and please enjoy the photos!
Jordan Obaker Photography says
Looks great Mike…I always enjoy your work!
Congrats again Jon & Emily, I hope the honeymoon was perfect!